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These ideas will keep you on budget while still celebrating the season.

Bragging about being thrifty may get your props from your peers. But just because a decision appears to be a savvy money move doesn’t mean it actually nets savings. Here are six things people do in the name of frugality that actually cost them money — or worse.

During the holiday season, everyone strives for perfection: Find the best gift, cut down the prettiest tree, and of course, host the holiday party that everyone will still be talking about next year. When you feel pressure to be the ultimate host or hostess, the easiest solution seems to be ...

One woman shares how her parents' once-embarrassing frugal tendencies are the very habits that she's now trying to emulate -- only after overspending and digging herself into debt.

Outliving one's retirement fund can be a disconcerting financial prospect for people who've spent decades building up a nest egg, and even more so for those who haven't saved and aren't well positioned to live on their Social Security checks or current savings.

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